Place holder in XnView MP
From XnView Wiki
In many places of XnView/XnConvert, you can use placeholder. A placeholder is between {}
All variables are between {}. You can cut a part of the text
- {variable [start-end]}
- {variable [start-]}
- {variable [-end]}
- {Filename} => img_example_105
- {Filename [0-2]} => img
- {Filename [5-]} => example_105
- {Filename [-7]} => img_exam
You can hide a variable if the value is empty: ((Model: {EXIF:Model}))
Date format
Date variable can be customized, by default system format is used.
- Y - Year
- y - Year without century (00-99)
- m - Month as decimal (01-12)
- d - Day as decimal (01-31)
- H - Hour (01-24)
- M - Minute (00-59)
- S - Second (00-59)
- B - Month name
- b - Abbreviated month name
- A - Weekday name
- a - Abbreviated weekday name
- {Creation Date [Ymd-HMS]} -> 20211202-092920
- {Creation Date [A B Y]} -> wednesday march 2021
EXIF variables
You can set an EXIF field by using his tag value, eg. {EXIF:x110}